Would-Be Bombers In U.S. Hampered By Logistics -- NPR
For years, officials have predicted that it is only a matter of time before the car bombs and suicide attacks that are commonplace in Afghanistan and Iraq arrive in the U.S.
But so far, overseas terrorist groups have had little success in launching those kinds of attacks in America. The latest example: the attempted car bombing May 1 in Times Square. An SUV was loaded with an explosive device that smoked and sparked but never went off.
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My Comment: I have also been one of those who have been predicting that it is only a matter of time before car bombs and suicide attacks become the norm in the U.S.
But I think that through a combination of good luck, good counter-terror police investigations, difficulty in buying the materials for a bomb, and terrorists who one would say are not on the "A" team of terrorists .... this has resulted in these bombers being hampered and stopped.
Knock on wood .... I am hoping that this continues.