She gets plenty of stick for getting her "nadgers" out and pouting too much, but personally I think Corrie is right to have a character who portrays the current desperation for WAG-style fame among some youngsters. The boob job sub-plot was well-observed. She gets some good lines as well. In this week's episode I liked her referring to John Stape and Charlotte as "pair of freaks" (spot on!) and thought her outfit with the tight tee shirt and the huge sunglasses was vintage Rosie.
They've got her as a cartoony, Betty Boop type, not meant to be taken too seriously, and I think Helen carries it off really well. But, I'd like to see her as less of a cardboard cut out. Rosie has a venal side but she's not totally self-serving and shallow - she's shown support to her mum and sister, for example. Interesting to see where this Coronation Street character goes next. In the meantime - I've started knitting her a nice cardi.