Campbell, former Police Minister.

In 2007 and 2008, David Campbell was Police Minister in New South Wales, in Australia. (David Campbell.)

In May 2010 it was revealed that, while Transport Minister in New South Wales, the married David Campbell used a ministerial car to visit Ken's of Kensington, a gay sex club in Sydney. (Australian MP resigns over sex scandal)

Ken's of Kensington has facilities for "sex on the premises, including private cubicles and specially-themed fantasy rooms."

There has been speculation that Campbell's personal life could have been used to blackmail him while he was Police Minister in 2007 and 2008.

In 2008 the former New South Wales Police Minister Matthew Brown was forced to resign after dancing semi-naked on a green leather sofa and simulating a sex act.

In 2008, the former New South Wales Aboriginal Affairs Minister Milton Orkopoulos was jailed for child sex.

In 1999, two journalists from Australia's Sun-Herald claimed to have seen evidence of the ritual abuse of children.

They interviewed six mothers whose children had disclosed experiences of SRA and organised abuse in New South Wales.

The children's disclosures were corroborating, although they had never met one another, and they had been able to draw representations of "satanic" ritual sites which were similar to ritual sites uncovered by police on the central coast of New South Wales. (List of satanic ritual abuse allegations. )

British children sent to Australia (

In the late 1980s, a number of children at a daycare centre in the Mornington Peninsula, Victoria, Australia, began disclosing experiences of organised and ritualistic sexual abuse to their parents and the police.[3]

Their disclosures included instances in which they were taken in a car from the creche to a nearby house, undressed by adults and sexually assaulted, video-taped and filmed while naked, and urinated and defecated upon by adults.

The children disclosed that some of the abusers wore police uniforms....[4] List of satanic ritual abuse allegations

In 2002, Chief Commissioner Christine Nixon refers complaints about the mishandling of the case by police to the Victorian Ombudsman.

An officer from the Ethical Standards Department was stood down a year later from the Ombudsman's investigation for "incompetence" after failing to pass on information from two key witnesses, and claiming that he never spoke to them when phone records proved that he had.

One of the witnesses referred to a tape of child pornography showing men in police uniforms sexually assaulting children from the daycare centre, however, this lead was never followed up by the police.

British children sent to Australia (

Another witness identified the house in which the children had been assaulted as being owned by a police officer.[7]

The principal of a private college on the Mornington Peninsula repeatedly told the Department of Human Services that a 12-year-old boy disclosed ongoing sexual abuse by an organised group of men wearing police uniforms.

According to the principal, all records of the child's complaint vanished.

A Victoria Police spokesman said he was not aware that files had disappeared. The police declined to press charges, saying the boy had been "too well groomed" by the pedophiles and probably would not testify in court.[8]

Sexual abuse was common at Bindoon Boys Town, in Australia.

The boys called their Catholic guardians the 'Christian Buggers'.

In 2001, an inquiry into Bindoon, by the Australian Senate (The sad truth behind Britain's lost children ), was told about:

1. Rape.

2. Children scrambling for breadcrumbs on the floor.

3. A boy being forced to shoot and skin a horse he considered to be his only friend.

In the two decades after World War II, the UK government took around 10,000 children from UK Children's Homes and sent them to Australia.

Many of these children were to become a form of slave labour.

Some of the children ended up at Bindoon Boys Town.

At Bindoon there were regular floggings and there was regular child sexual abuse.

Former Bindoon boy John Hennessy speaks with a stutter.

He recalls being stripped naked and publicly flogged at Bindoon.

Mick Snell, who was sent to the Methodists Dalmar House in Sydney, says: "A lot are starting to top themselves... I dream I'm back there and I'm locked up, being verbally abused and whacked. I wake up in a cold sweat." (The sad truth behind Britain's lost children)

Snell had to get up before 4am to milk the cows and had to work until dark.

"You had no one to turn to," says Snell.

Outsiders would take some boys out for the day.

"I know for a fact they were rock spiders (paedophiles). The kids that were involved, they didn't like talking about it," says Snell.

At Bindoon there was no teaching and several former inmates are illiterate.

Rapes and murders in Canadian boarding schools; thousands died.

aangirfan: Jersey Child Abuse and the Jersey Police


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