Mayflies swarming near LaCrosse are visible on National Weather Service radar.
A video purports to show a golf ball deforming while hitting a steel plate at 150 mph. Some viewers doubt the validity of the video; others suggest that it is a balata-type golf ball.
The tents made by caterpillars are solar collectors that allow the larvae to function on cold days.
If you can only one video about the Gulf oil spill, watch Clarke and Dawe explain what happened. You'll feel guilty for laughing...
If you find a butterfly with a broken wing, it is actually possible to fix the butterfly's wing with things you have around the house. The video shows step-by-step what to do.
A radio in Scotland is said to be receiving broadcasts from the WWII era - lots of speeches by Winston Churchill and music by Glenn Miller. It's hard to explain. Especially since the radio is not plugged in.
A quite interesting video shows how to make a glider out of paper and then "airsurf" it around a room. Perfect for kids, and inquisitive adults.
I spent six months in London some years ago, and the one program I enjoyed most was "Mastermind." (second was Blackadder, but that's another story...). Here's a video clip of a contestant on Mastermind answering a barrage of questions about H. P. Lovecraft.
Before you eat sheep entrails, you should dress them up to look like a snake. On a more serious note, the link also leads to an outstanding discussion of what has been going on in Kyrgyzstan.
The most unusual piano you will see all week; it was designed to be played by people flat on their backs in bed.
The photo is of a mayfly; not one of the ones from LaCrosse in the story above, but a local Madison one. It expands to a nice wallpaper size with a click.