BP Oil executives continues to lie, they say no underwater plumes. Scientists offer considerable proof of underwater oil plumes. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/06/09/underwater-plumes-doug-su_n_605613.html
Sunlight Foundation: Oil & Gas Contributions to Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee
Diving into the oil, environmental impact photos and videos: http://blog.al.com/al/2010/06/video_what_the_gulf_of_mexico.html
Oil pours from cap: http://license.icopyright.net/user/viewContent.act?clipid=507966844&mode=cnc&tag=3.5721?icx_id%3DD9G51H800 If you will check the live video feed of the well below it appears the gusher of oil has increased. The disaster continues to grow, the Gulf of Mexico is being destroyed. Government officials and BP Oil continue in their attempts to downplay this disaster by calling it a spill, calling this disaster a spill is a lie.
Oil on Beaches: http://license.icopyright.net/user/viewContent.act?clipid=507966840&mode=cnc&tag=3.5721?icx_id%3DD9G57S9O0
U.S. Coast Guard Broken Promises to Alabama's Governor: http://license.icopyright.net/user/viewContent.act?clipid=507966838&mode=cnc&tag=3.5721?icx_id%3DD9G5FBL80
Dutch claim US regulations contradictory, approach to cleanup is non-sense. http://www.rnw.nl/english/article/dutch-oil-spill-response-team-standby-us-oil-disaster
Mobile News-WALA Fox10 News link:
Gulf Oil Spill Tar balls wash ashore on Dauphin Island Fox10tv.com
WKRG.com News
Mobile News-WKRG Link: http://www.wkrg.com/gulf_oil_spill/
Gulf Oil Spill WKRG.com News
WKRG.com News
PBS Oil Tracker
From the incident Commander, via PBS-Adm. Allen: Gulf Oil Leak Suppressed For Now; Leak Meter Paused : http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/2010/05/gulf-oil-leak-stemmed----for-now.html
Nuclear option: http://truthiscontagious.com/2010/05/30/energy-expert-nuking-oil-leak-%E2%80%98only-thing-we-can-do%E2%80%99
Sunlight Foundation: Oil & Gas Contributions to Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee
Diving into the oil, environmental impact photos and videos: http://blog.al.com/al/2010/06/video_what_the_gulf_of_mexico.html
Oil pours from cap: http://license.icopyright.net/user/viewContent.act?clipid=507966844&mode=cnc&tag=3.5721?icx_id%3DD9G51H800 If you will check the live video feed of the well below it appears the gusher of oil has increased. The disaster continues to grow, the Gulf of Mexico is being destroyed. Government officials and BP Oil continue in their attempts to downplay this disaster by calling it a spill, calling this disaster a spill is a lie.
Oil on Beaches: http://license.icopyright.net/user/viewContent.act?clipid=507966840&mode=cnc&tag=3.5721?icx_id%3DD9G57S9O0
U.S. Coast Guard Broken Promises to Alabama's Governor: http://license.icopyright.net/user/viewContent.act?clipid=507966838&mode=cnc&tag=3.5721?icx_id%3DD9G5FBL80
Dutch claim US regulations contradictory, approach to cleanup is non-sense. http://www.rnw.nl/english/article/dutch-oil-spill-response-team-standby-us-oil-disaster
Mobile News-WALA Fox10 News link:
Gulf Oil Spill Tar balls wash ashore on Dauphin Island Fox10tv.com
WKRG.com News
Mobile News-WKRG Link: http://www.wkrg.com/gulf_oil_spill/
Gulf Oil Spill WKRG.com News
WKRG.com News
PBS Oil Tracker
From the incident Commander, via PBS-Adm. Allen: Gulf Oil Leak Suppressed For Now; Leak Meter Paused : http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/2010/05/gulf-oil-leak-stemmed----for-now.html
Nuclear option: http://truthiscontagious.com/2010/05/30/energy-expert-nuking-oil-leak-%E2%80%98only-thing-we-can-do%E2%80%99