National Geographic Joins the Pangaea Expedition

For nearly two years now Mike Horn has been out exploring the globe as part of his Pangaea Expedition. The project has been his dream for a long time, and back in 2008, he set it all in motion as a way of getting young people from around the world engaged in actively learning about our impact on the environment, and some of the remote and wild spaces that we all know and love. Horn even built a state of the art ship, called the Pangaea, to carry him on his adventures, which so far have ranged from the South Africa to the Antarctica, to Thailand and the South Pacific, and beyond. The journey is scheduled to continue through 2012 as well. 

Currently, Mike is in the Karalorum in Pakistan, where he and some young explorers are making a trek through the Baltoro region. The month long excursion will visit a number of mountain base camps along the way, with the team spending time in each, cleaning up their surroundings. 

National Geographic Adventure recently caught up with the group, and will be following them very closely over the next week or so, when the expedition is expected to come to an end. There will be daily updates on the NG Adventure Blog, starting with today's entry, which serves as an introduction to the project and includes the video below.

I've read a bit about this project over the past couple of weeks, and I think it is a very cool idea. The young adventurers that are currently with Mike in the Karakorum are certainly getting the chance to do amazing things there, and getting to see some of the most stunning scenery on the planet.

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