Mexico Drug Cartel War -- News Updates June 22, 2010

Mexican Cartel Deals Drugs, Violence With Religious Fervor -- McClatchy News

APATZINGAN, Mexico — As the leader of one of Mexico's most ruthless criminal gangs, Nazario Moreno Gonzalez is the mastermind of hair-raising brutality in his native Michoacan state. He also would like the world to know that he has a pious, loving and huggy-kissy side, and so he's penned a booklet entitled "Thoughts."

"If you want to say 'I love you!' to those who surround you and to your friends, say it today," the drug lord exhorts his readers.

In the 104-page booklet, which was published earlier this year, he offers advice on personal empowerment, Christian living and proper deportment.

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More News On Mexico's Drug Cartel War

Bodyguards aim to kill in Mexico drug war -- CNN
More killed as Mexican drug violence escalates -- Nouse
Brave few break Mexico drug war's code of silence -- CNN

Police chief: Cartels threaten U.S. law enforcement in Arizona
-- CNN
Smugglers threaten police in Arizona border city -- AP
Mexican drug cartel threatens to harm U.S. police officers who bust drug shipments while off-duty -- New York Daily News
Police chief: Cartels threaten U.S. law enforcement in Arizona -- CNN

Model for Mexico: Colombia's success in fighting drug cartels offers a blueprint for others. -- Houston Chronicle
Mexico Drug War: 5 Things You Don't Know -- Huffington Post
The New Cocaine Cowboys -- Robert Bonner, New York Times

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