AMS Guide Leighan Falley called in from their Mount Dan Beard advanced base camp (see photo). The weather was splitter (that's how climbers refer to the weather when it's perfect). They were just about to go to bed. They are planning on launching "tomorrow" just after midnight. Mike Gibbs took this picture about a month ago just after they climbed the same route. I added to route line to his pic.

Here's a photo of
AMS Guide Pat Ormond from his climb of the Cassin Ridge on Denali last season with fellow guide Elliot Gaddy, Elliot is on paternity leave this summer!
Pat called in a bit ago. They carried to the top of the fixed lines today. They were thinking of putting their cache in a bit higher on the ridge but it got a little "blustery" and there was an empty cache hole at 16,2oo' so they deposited their extra food fuel and equipment there. 16,200' is where 90% of Denali climbers put their caches at. Sometimes, if the weather is good we go a little higher about 20 minutes) just to avoid the crowds. Everyone did great today on Pat's team and they are all really psyched and motivated.
AMS Guides Brent Langlinis and Todd Tumolo's May 23rd team retrieved their cache today and they are just resting up today. Usually on cache days we sleep in until the sun cooks you out of the tent, eat a big pancake breakfast and leisurely do a back carry.
So that's the latest. All is good.