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» June 17, 2010
June 17, 2010
White Dog laughed when Michael came up from his room, saw Richard cooking up a storm, and said, "I didn't know we were having a party tonight!" "This is not a party," she chortled, "you have been here long enough to know a real party when we have one!" She is amazed that friends dropping by and sharing cooking tasks or a meal makes such a big impression on Michael. Then again, White Dog has grown up in our house where the door is never locked and loved ones seek the sanctuary of our home when they are lonely or want community or just want a family environment to hang out within. This is a new experience to Michael...and to his mother, too, who sometimes sounds more than a little jealous as he tells her of "all the company we always have." Tonight Richard, drawn by the lure of my successful score of fresh ruby trout, came over to put together an post teaching dinner for Steve that was a step above the light and quick things we have been having during this month long stint of compressed summer classes. White Dog, Quinn and Michael all agreed that panko wasabi crusted trout, mushroom kamut, beets in balsamic reduction with goat cheese, topped off with pomegranate blueberry gelato certainly beat the grilled cheese/soup combo that was planned.