Mike Baldwin in the making award: Gold Star: Nick. "Who's Carla?" indeed!
I need new underpants award: Gold Star: Stape is discovered! Why didn't he check the whole list? Why didn't he just tell his friend, yes, I just used his name for the conference? He's an idiot! That's why!
Retcon award: Platinum Star: Fiz. She wants Ches to sit his GCSEs to have a better life than she did. But when Fiz first came to the Street, we found out she had 7 or 8 GCSEs! So has all that disappeared?
Anything in skirts award: Gold Star: Ciaran will flirt with *anyone*! (or almost) Did he really ask Tina what her sign is?
He's Just Not That Into You award: Platinum star No surprise, here... Natasha, you had a life before Nick. Don't chuck it away! He's not worth it!
Jason, I don't think Tina's that into you anymore. Mary, Norris just isn't that into you.
She's *that* into you award: Gold star: Charlotte. Using a Facebook status as an excuse to see John and wind him up with a few well-chosen but cringeworthy chat up lines.
You Just Can't Help Yourself: Gold Star: Nick again, he keeps stirring up Peter and looking very smug when he gets a reaction.
Be Consistent in your Objections: The Factory Bees took Nick to task for calling them "girls" and then a few hours later, he calls "Hi girls" across the street and they just say "Hi" back, no recriminations.

Lines of the Week:
Fiz: "It's like a different language" (um.)
Mary: "I"ve never been happier to lose a fiver in my life" (Yes but you still thought the jury was wrong)
Roy to Fiz: "You don't think he's been bullied?" Fiz: "If he hasn't, I'll flaming batter him!"
Mary: "Mother wouldn't allow any films like that (Star Wars). Sex, violence or robots. Or talking animals... colcanos, monks, talking vehicles of any kind." That explains so much.
Peter to Leanne: "You're making a big show of yourself" (and you and your jealousy aren't?)
Charlotte: "I used to think you were boring!" (you were right) and "Wherever you go, I go" (I think he's got a ready made stalker, hot for his form!)
Rosie to Fiz: "Charlotte 'Church' we called her. She gets very busy on a Sunday!"
Tina: "When did people stop having problems and start having issues?"