British Families Remember The Lost Of Their Loved Ones In Afghanistan

The funeral of Maj. Sean Birchall in London. Major Birchall was killed in Helmand Province in Afghanistan on June 19, 2009. Luke MacGregor/Reuters

Families Remember Service Personnel Killed In Afghanistan -- The Telegraph

More than 500 relatives of members of the Armed Forces killed on duty in 2009 gathered at the National Memorial Arboretum for a dedication ceremony.

It was a procession of grief but also of pride. Hundreds of relatives laid floral tributes at a memorial wall yesterday to remember their loved ones who died while serving their country last year.

After a moving dedication service, attended by the Earl of Wessex, more than 500 family members walked solemnly past the names of 119 service personnel engraved onto a wall at the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire.

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My Comment: Our prayers are for their families and their loved ones.

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