UK Business Secretary Vince Cable, who is Jewish, and who will not save BP from a takeover.

Do governments work for the spooks and oligarchs?

1. On 12 June 2010, The Times reports that British government minister Vince Cable, who is Jewish, and in charge of 'business', will not stop BP being taken over by Exxon or even Gazprom.

The UK's previous Business Secretary was the 'Jewish' Peter Mandelson who failed to stop Cadbury being taken over by Kraft.

Chris Huhne, the UK Energy Secretary, who reportedly may have Jewish origins, has not met any members of the BP board since the oil spill.

(Vince Cable won't rescue weakened BP.)

Why won't the key people in the UK government defend UK industry?

Union Carbide was bought by Dow Chemical. 17,000 victims of Bhopal have received no compensation.

2. It looks as if India is controlled by US oligarchs and spooks.

Warren Anderson was the American boss of Union Carbide at the time of the 1984 Bhopal disaster in India, which killed thousands.

It has been reported that the Rajiv government freed Warren Anderson, according to CIA papers.

A few days after the major gas leak, Warren Anderson was released from custody on the orders of the government of Rajiv Gandhi.

This information comes from declassified CIA documents dated 8 December 1984.

Anderson was charged with culpable homicide.

So why was he allowed to leave India?

Indian papers deplore 'shameful' Bhopal sentences

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