Author Solutions Inc. Expands (Again)

Posted by Victoria Strauss for Writer Beware

Per a press release issued yesterday, POD publishing service juggernaut Author Solutions, Inc. continues to expand--this time, into the Spanish-language market.

Its new brand, Palibrio, is targeted to Spanish-speaking authors. "Palibrio authors will work closely with a team of Spanish-speaking designers, consultants, marketing professionals, and customer service experts to transform their manuscripts to finished books efficiently, affordably, and professionally."

The Palibrio website has the same cheery, upbeat look as the websites ASI has set up for the commercial publishers for which it runs pay-to-publish services (Cross Books for LifeWay, West Bow Press for Thomas Nelson, DellArte Press for Harlequin, and Balboa Press for Hay House), with vibrant colors and photos of happy authors. Prices for publication packages range from $599 to $6,499, and there's the usual a la carte menu of add-ons, from editing to marketing.

Where will ASI expand next? Stay tuned.

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