Monsoon India.

Fake evidence was presented in the Lockerbie trial (Police officer said that he planted the Lockerbie bomb ...) and apparently in the trial of Kasab in Mumbai.

It looks like Megrahi and Kasab were framed.

Meanwhile, the Mumbai attack planner, David Headley, will probably soon walk free.

And Headley is suspected of working for the CIA.

And the CIA is suspected of being behind the Lockerbie bombing.

Not Ajmal Kasab?

We were told that 8 gunmen were arrested and then we were told that only Ajmal Amir was arrested.

We were told that the gunmen at the railway station and elsewhere were white men.

One moment we were told Kasab stayed for several days at the Taj Hotel; the next moment we were told he got straight off a boat and started a killing spree.

There were reports that Kasab had bullet wounds and reports that he did not have bullet wounds.

There were reports that one of Kasab's fellow gunmen was arrested at Cana Hospital and reports suggesting that nobody was arrested there.

There were reports that Kasab speaks fluent English and reports that he is a rather illiterate and poorly educated criminal.

Ajmal Kasab

Mumbai suspect Ajmal Kasab claims he was framed by Israelis.

And by India's secret service (RAW).

Ajmal Kasab alleges that the TV footage recorded by a Pakistani channel GeoTV (which was shown in the special court) "was made at the behest of RAW and Israeli officials."

Kasab said he learnt this from some crime branch officials. (Kasab now claims RAW accused him of spying )

On 25 December 2010, The Washington Post reports that Mumbai suspect Ajmal Kasab "told the judge he came to Mumbai as a tourist and was arrested 20 days before the siege began.

"On the day the attacks started, Kasab said police took him from his cell because he resembled one of the gunmen.

"They then shot him to make it look as if he had been involved in the attacks and re-arrested him..." (Mumbai gunman demands trial by international court )

Ajmal Kasab claims that the the Indian secret service, RAW, took him into custody on 6 November 2008, and later handed him over to the Mumbai police.

The Mumbai attacks were on 26 November 2008. (Kasab claims RAW custody )

Kasab says he arrived from Pakistan by the Samjhauta Express and travelled to Mumbai as a tourist 20 days before the November 26, 2008, assault.

He said he was detained while strolling on Juhu beach and falsely implicated in the 26/11 case as he had facial similarities with one of the Mumbai attackers.

The 22-year-old today told the court: "I would like to consult the Pakistani authorities," including passport officials.

The judge rejected Kasab's plea for trial by an international court.

(Kasab now claims RAW accused him of spying)

Reportedly, India's spy service RAW, copying Israel's Mossad, kidnaps people in order to create patsies.

"The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that RAW, for the past many years is following the policies of Israeli intelligence agency Mossaad...

"Mossad has managed to create many fake terrorists out of the innocent Palestinians and made them to confess the crimes they never committed.

"The Daily Mail’s finding indicate that these tactic were adopted by RAW in the late 90s and suddenly the number of Pakistanis, arrested in India with terror charges started increasing dramatically by the late 90s while Ajmal Kasab being the latest in the series." (The Daily Mail - from Pakistan)

Ajmal Kasab says that the American David Headley, who is alleged to be a CIA agent, interrogated him, with four whitemen, in his cell at the Mumbai police custody after he was captured. (Mumbai attacker Kasab retracts confession, claims meeting US terror suspect)

Kasab claims he was interrogated by FBI officials and that David Headley was one of them. (26/11 trial: Kasab was interrogated by Headley )

According to Ajmal Kasab, "The police have killed the main accused who resembles me and they told me that his name was Abu Ali."

"I am his look alike. His height and face resembles mine," Kasab said. (Kasav's U-turn, retracts 26/11 statement )

The Guardian has reported on the framing of innocent people in India.

In 2008, in The Guardian, we read:"It was after the 2001 parliament attack that the first serious questions began to be raised.

"A campaign by a group of lawyers and activists exposed how innocent people had been framed by the police and the press, how evidence was fabricated, how witnesses lied, how due process had been criminally violated at every stage of the investigation." (Arundhati Roy: Mumbai .)

The reports about Ajmal Amir are contradictory and confusing.

1. One moment we are told he stayed for several days at the Taj Hotel; the next moment we are told he got straight off a boat and started a killing spree.(NDTV.com: Terrorists stayed in room 630, had many visitors)

2. There are reports that he had bullet wounds and reports that he did not have bullet wounds.(No bullet hit Kasab, no active treatment on, says hospital's dean)

3. There are reports that one of his fellow gunmen was arrested at Cana Hospital and reports suggesting that nobody was arrested there.

(According to the BBC: "2120-2200: Gunmen raid the Cama and Albless Hospital ... One attacker is captured here." - (BBC NEWS South Asia Timeline: Mumbai under attack)

4. There are reports that Ajmal Amir speaks fluent English and reports that he is a rather illiterate and poorly educated criminal.

According to the BBC, "Indian officials originally portrayed him as a middle-class boy who spoke good English."But subsequent reports suggested he came from a remote village called Faridkot, where his father sold food."He had received little education, the reports said, and had spent his youth alternating between labouring and petty crime." (Profile: Mohammad Ajmal Amir Kasab)

5. We are told that 8 gunmen were arrested and then we are told that only Ajmal Amir was arrested. (“The Maharashtra Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh told Associated Press that two British-born Pakistanis were among the eight gunmen arrested by Indian authorities.” - Four Mumbai terrorists ‘had links with Britain’)

6. We are told that the gunmen at the railway station and elsewhere were white men and yet Ajmal Amir is reportedly from Pakistan. (BBC NEWS Mumbai attackers create 'killing zone' / Mumbai Attackers were 'Hindus' and 'White Men' )

7. We are told that the gunmen who shot Karkare spoke Marathi and then we are told that it was Ajmal Amir and his Pakistani friend who shot Karkare.

(The Marathi daily 'Maharashtra Times' said the terrorists who targeted Anti Terrorism Squad chief Hemant Karkare were speaking Marathi fluently. (i.e. they were not from Pakistan) Reportedly, traditional Jews from Mumbai, who have migrated to Israel, speak fluent Marathi and are known to have been recruited by Mossad.)

Triple Canopy was founded in Chicago in 2003 by U.S. Army Special Forces veterans.

They have recent experience managing cases in India, Nigeria and Somalia. (Experience Triple Canopy )

In the Mumbai attacks of 2008, eyewitnesses said some of the attackers "included Nigerian or Somali mercenaries." (Bloodbath in Mumbai - dnaindia.com)

"It appears that the Obama administration has decided on its hired guns of choice: Triple Canopy, a Chicago company...

"Triple Canopy has ... a record of hiring mercenaries from countries with atrocious human rights records..." (Triple Canopy, 'Obama's Blackwater' / ISN Triple Canopy Takes Over ...)

Wayne Madsen reports that a 'mercenary firm' working for the US government has been carrying out 'false flag' terrorist attacks in Asia, with the assistance of Mossad and India's spy service RAW. (Blackwater/XE behind terrorist bombings in Asia and Africa?)

Not Kasab?

According to The Hindu, 16 January 2010, (Headley attended Lashkar training camps in Pakistan):

Starting November 26, 2008, and continuing for the next two days, attackers carried out assaults against multiple targets in Mumbai, each of which David Headley allegedly had scouted in advance.

Headley befriended Indian celebrity Rahul Bhatt.

According to Bhatt, Headley claimed to have done a stint with the US army.

Headley told Bhatt about the US military's Delta Force and the CIA's top-secret force called Special Activities Division which carries out covert political action and paramilitary operations. (IndiaDaily - Rahul Bhatt hints Headley may be a dual CIA-ISI agent ...)

Headley was operating from a Training Gym extremely close to the US Consulate at Bridge Candy. (Mahesh Bhatt & the Headley affair )

"He was also very friendly with the personnel at the US consulate and was on a first name basis with a number of US Consulate officials that he met at the gym." (Mahesh Bhatt & the Headley affair )

Headley of the CIA?

David Headley is from Chicago.

Two of the Americans reported killed during the Mumbai attacks are identified as:

1. Rabbi Ben Zion Chroman or Kruman (a visitor to the Mumbai Chabad House; his father is from Chicago)

2. Sandeep Jeswani (An American of Indian origin. He is from Chicago; killed at the Oberoi)

The other Americans reported killed are:

3. Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg

4 &5. Alan Scherr and his daughter Naomi Scherr (killed at the Leopold Cafe or Oberoi)

6. Rabbi Aryeh Leibish Teitelbaum.

Benzion was in India to help his friend, R’ Aryeh Leibish Teitelbaum, inspect a mushroom packing plant.

A federal grand jury indictment in Chicago says that in 2002 and 2003, Headley attended training camps in Pakistan, and conspired with Abdur Rehman, in planning and executing the attacks in India.

Major (retired) Abdur Rehman has already been taken into custody in Pakistan.

Military spokesman Major-General Athar Abbas told The Hindu that there was as yet no formal communication from the U.S. about his indictment, nor any requests for questioning him.

According to Wayne Madsen (Blackwater/XE behind terrorist bombings in Asia and Africa?) There is a secret Blackwater-XE/CIA/Joint Special Operations Command forward operating base in Karachi.

Osho Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh

Mumbai suspect David Headley visited the Osho Ashram in Pune twice during 2008 and 2009. (Police claim Headley visited Pune’s Osho Ashram)

Some people believe that Osho Rajneesh was a CIA agent. (set up in Pune.)

When Osho Rajneesh died in Pune in 1990, rumours spread that he had been poisoned by the CIA. (OSHO ; BHAGWAN SHREE RAJNEESH )


Osho Rajneesh drives by. (Source:
http://m31.de/ranch/index.html © 2003 Samvado Gunnar Kossatz)

In 1985, The Portland Oregonian published a series linking the Osho Rajneesh cult to the CIA.

The Oregonian also linked the Osho Rajneesh cult to opium trafficking, prostitution, money laundering, arson, slave labour, mass poisonings, illegal wiretaps and the stockpiling of guns and biochemical warfare weapons. (The Strange Legacy of Osho - eMusic Spotlight)

The Oregonian investigation revealed the cult had ties to CIA-trained mercenaries in El Salvador and the Far East.

According to the Oregonian investigation, Rajneesh's secret police force worked with CIA operatives.


Meanwhile, on 22 January 2010, it is reported that Ajmal Kasab says the Mumbai police, and the FBI, made up all the evidence: Kasab

According to Kasab, the Mumbai police Crime Branch, who had the help of the FBI, fabricated the evidence against him.

This faked evidence included the FBI's alleged retrieval of data from a global positioning system.

Does the FBI fake evidence? (aangirfan: Lockerbie Evidence )

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