What books do you have next to your bed right now? How about other places in the house? What are you reading?
I don't have any books by my bed. I do almost all of my reading while sitting on the couch in my living room. Currently occupying my couch are: My Soul to Keep by Rachel Vincent, 2 copies of Storm Warning by Linda Sue Park (39 Clues, Book 9), and A Rush of Wings by Adrian Phoenix.
My nearest books indicate how eclectic my book choices usually are. After, I finish My Soul to Keep, I will be donating it to my HS Media Center. The 2 copies of Storm Warning will be donated to my Elementary Media Center after I read one of them. A Rush of Wings would be a re-read, if I have time, for a discussion on GoodReads.
Oh, and my Kindle is sitting on my couch too with 325 books on it. Now, life would be good if I could just stay on my couch. However, I need to head off to work shortly.
Check and see what books others have at their sides (bed or otherwise) by looking at the links on Booking Through Thursday.