ARC Review: Tyger Tyger by Kersten Hamilton

Tyger Tyger
Author: Kersten Hamilton
Publication: Clarion Books (November 15, 2010)
I got this one from NetGalley

Description: Teagan Wylltson's best friend, Abby, dreams that horrifying creatures--goblins, shape-shifters, and beings of unearthly beauty but terrible cruelty--are hunting Teagan. Abby is always coming up with crazy stuff, though, so Teagan isn't worried. Her life isn't in danger. In fact, it's perfect. She's on track for a college scholarship. She has a great job. She's focused on school, work, and her future. No boys, no heartaches, no problems.

Until Finn Mac Cumhaill arrives. Finn's a bit on the unearthly beautiful side himself. He has a killer accent and a knee-weakening smile. And either he's crazy or he's been haunting Abby's dreams, because he's talking about goblins, too . . . and about being The Mac Cumhaill, born to fight all goblin-kind. Finn knows a thing or two about fighting. Which is a very good thing, because this time, Abby's right. The goblins are coming.

My Thoughts: I really enjoyed this story. I liked Teagan. She was portrayed as a goal-driven and serious young lady who has decided that love can wait. It doesn't fit into the plan of getting into a veterinary medicine program. However, when Finn shows up and is introduced as a cousin by Tea's mother, her plans are derailed and not just because Finn is gorgeous and they have some chemistry between them. Finn is trailed by goblins, cat-sidhe and other creatures. When Tea's mother dies as a result of interference from the goblins and her father is kidnapped into the Mag Mell, Tea needs to find Finn to get his help to get her father back.

The secondary characters were also all interesting. Teagan's best friend Abby was a good character. She isn't academic like Teagen but she was a supportive and helpful friend. She also added a little comic relief to the story with her tendancy to use the wrong words in conversations. I also liked Teagen's younger brother Aiden. Aiden is about six years old. He is able to remember any song he hears. He also has a great sense of direction. He can always find his way home. Even though Tea would like to find a safe place for Aiden to stay while she and Finn try to rescue her fater, they must bring him because of his talents. He can sing a safe path and always find the way home.

I liked the mythology in the story. I haven't read anything else that is the same. The author says that she  based the mythology in the story on Irish mythology.

Challenges: 2010 YA Reading Challenge, 2010 E-Book Reading Challenge, RYOB Reading Challenge

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