The tide was way out so no swimming but still the dogs all had a great time.
Starting out:
Sofy, Barney & Wiggle:
Sofy was being chased as she had the ball:
Freddie Bassett:
Labrador funtime:
Neo, Sofy, Sid, Freddie, Wiggle, Barney & Saffy:
Saffy, Wiggle and Sid:
Sofy quite literally pounced on the ball!
Although not the prettiest move, it was a tactic that worked!
None the worse for her head first diving:
More pouncing:
Barney found a stick:
Neo, Saffy and Sofy:
Lovely oldie Todd:
Barney stops for a rest:
Freddie Bassett likes to run. She likes to run after fast moving things:
Including the Beach Warden!
Freddie didn't catch the truck and came back, as fast as her little legs would carry her!
I'm going out to see friends so will be back tomorrow with part 2!