Wiggle - Day 674

Today we went to the Bowood Rhodeodendron Gardens. The gardens have opened for the season, although as the winter was long, the flowers are a bit late. If anyone is in this part of Wiltshire, until next weekend, its free entry to the gardens:


Dogs are allowed, but on lead, although I'm sure that didn't stop Wiggle and Sofy enjoying themselves.

Start of our walk:

Some colour in the background:

Although lots of the flowers are late, there were some out already:

Wiggle, in front of the Mausoleum:

At the front:

Pretty paths to follow:

Flowering Magnolia:

(Wiggle took special interest in the Magnolia, thinking about his LucytheLab!)

The leaning tree:

Pretty flowers:

Somehow, I don't think Wiggle and Sofy enjoyed the flora quite as much as me!

This plant is apparently a Skunk Cabbage Plant!

We had a lovely walk, hardly seeing another person. It was lovely and peaceful, wandering along the different paths, in the sun and the shade. Years ago, long before Wiggle, I took my grandmother to the Rhododendron Gardens and she enjoyed it, so its a special place for me.

Back home, it was time for ice lollies!

Sir H was first:

Then it was Wiggle's turn:

Then Sofy:

"Any more?"

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