Truth, Truth, Lie

1. Yesterday evening, I finished revisions on CASTING STONES. Yay!!

2. No time to take a break or give in to brain-deadness, though, because I have a critique folder to clean out and a plot workshop to give this week.

3. After that, I start work on two YA proposals to send to Holly.

4. No rest for the mostly crazy.

5. My grandma continues to improve. Daredevil made her a Get Well Soon card the other day and wrote the following message: I hope God revives you.

6. We'll be focusing on vocabulary this week in homeschool ...

7. Yesterday, I saw a headline on an online news site that said "Celebrities Disrupted by Volcanic Ash."


9. The fact that someone thought that topic was newsworthy is mind-boggling to me.

10. I'm having a hard time thinking of funny things to say today. For reasons why, see #1-3 and focus on the word "brain-deadness."

11. So, instead, we'll play a game called "Spot the Lie." I'll list four things. Three of them will be true. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to spot the lie. Leave your answer in the comment trail for a chance to win a mystery prize!

* I once was chosen to attend leadership camp, but our bus driver got so lost, we arrived at the camp five hours later than everyone else and had nothing but carrot sticks and cold rolls for dinner.

* When I was seven, I was invited to recite a poem onstage at the local county fair.

* I once slipped on an icy hill, "skied" down it in my boots, and knocked over a pastor when I hit the bottom.

* When I was fourteen, we hosted an exchange student from Japan and taught her how to have "sock wars" with my dad.

There you go! Pick the lie, leave it in the comment trail, and be entered to win a cool mystery prize! (Hint: It's handmade, totally awesome, and you get to choose how it smells.)

Contest is open until 8 p.m. central time Tuesday, April 20th. (Sorry, cannot accept international entries.)

For an extra entry, tweet a link to this post and leave it for me in your comment!

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