He's been to many places in the U.S. as well as Guatemala and England that I'm aware of. He's headed for California in May to a little boy named Kanan, a friend of Barbara's.
Last week he was in Washington visiting with Isabella.
Uncle Fuddy-Duddy was created by Mike's dad Roy many years ago to entertain his grandchildren when they came to visit - and entertain them he did. They couldn't wait for the next wild adventure of Uncle FD and to see how he would escape from his latest predicament. But he always did and always had a lesson to impart.
A few years ago, Roy began to write these stories down, first just to document them for his grandchildren, but he and everyone else enjoyed the stories so much, he decided to put them in book form. He collaborated with a cousin Polly from Vidalia, GA, to do the illustrations, and she got into the spirit of the thing and just outdid herself with the detailed drawings. There were so many stories that there had to be a second book, and now Uncle Fuddy-Duddy and the Big Bad Bear is at the publisher's and due back any time now.
Here Gabi and Alejandro in Guatemala read one of the books.
And Alejandro's cousin Diego. Diego's favorite is Tardy the Turtle, which is going to be in the new book (but he's already had a sneak preview.)