Compounding the problem award: Bruised Star: Jason got a bad knock on the head and now forgets that Tina broke up with him.
Plonker award: Gold star: Nick Tilsley: There's no excuse for him not to go visit Gail.
Silver star: John Stape taking out his bad mood on everyone, especially Roy. Ungrateful git.
Delusional award: Gold Star: John Stape (did he think they wouldn't find out?)
Heart's in the right place award: Gold Star: Jason (he might have been a bit previous re-proposing when she's grieving but he only wants to make Tina happy)
Be careful what you wish for award: Gold Star: Dev... well, you did want your wife and kids back.
Lines of the Week:
Fiz to John: 'You know everything!" (he might, but he hasn't got a clue)
Eileen: "Me and happiness are never gonna live in the same street"
Audrey about David: "That lad's mind is a very dangerous place"
Becky to Steve: "Cheer up... I hate seeing you all.... limp" (koff)
Bill: "You remind me of our Kevin when he was a teenager. He could sulk for England" (he still can!)
Mary to Norris: "I hope you don't mind me taking liberties with your peanut brittle balls" (in her wildest dreams)
Norris: "I'm in danger of coming down with compassion fatigue!" (never in a million years)
Eileen to Jason: "You've obviously forgotten that you've lost your memory"