The Devastator - what's happened to the Lay-deez man?

Before I start, apologies to anyone eating their tea while reading this. I know that photo is likely to bring awful things back.
Anyway - what I'd like to know is this. What on earth is going on with Dev at the moment? And by Dev, I mean full-on Dev - Dev the schmoozer, Dev the lay-deez man, Dev the king-sized Stinking Bishop (yes, that IS a cheese) of cheesy chat up merchants. I miss him and I'd like him back please. Not only is there a shortage of available man-flesh for the older woman on Corrie just now, Dev the family man is just not doing it for me.
What are the writers thinking? Do they think Dev is getting past it in the skirt-chasing stakes? NOT as far as I'm concerned. He's got the double whammy - a wallet AND a purse - sorry, did I say purse? I meant PULSE. And he could give Lewis a run (or hobble) for his money, any day. So I'm fervently hoping that the sale of Maria's house goes pear-shaped, quick-style, and that Sunita hops it with the kids.

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