One of these women is Jennifer Anderson-Wiggins. She is one of our favorite customers and I have gotten to know her really well over these past several months. I am sure a few of you know her. She is the sweetest woman with the four most beautiful children I have ever seen!
I have been looking for a pair of cowboy boots for Lillie. Jon had an adorable pair from when he was little and I thought it would be so cute for her to wear his old ones but they no longer exist so we started hunting for a new pair. Jennifer's daughter, Stella Marie, has an adorable looking pair that I had seen in some photos. I loved that they were so real looking and not cheesy like most of the ones I had been finding online. When I asked Jenn where she found them, she had told me it was as a local place out where she lives on the west coast and she wasn't sure if they sold them online. She actually offered to pick them up for me and mail them to me! How sweet is that? And she has four kids! Can you imagine standing in line at the post office with four little ones to mail a pair of cowboy boots to someone you have never met? I was so touched by her offering to do that. Fortunately, she was able to find the name brand and after quite a bit of hunting I was able to find a pair online that were identical. I cannot wait to get them!
A few weeks ago Jenn asked us if we could make her daughter a hair clip in the same style as our Melanie Hamilton line of items that Jamie makes. Jamie made her a pink and purple one and Jenn sent us some photographs she took of Stella Marie wearing them for us to use when we start selling these. We will soon be offering these in our Etsy shop and eventually on as well. We will be offering them in a small, medium and large. The one Stella Marie is wearing is the large.
Anyway, here are two of the beautiful photographs she took:

Oh, and the dress she is wearing is by The Handmaiden's Cottage. I am dying to get Lillie one! It is so beautiful!
And here are all of the Wiggins children (I stole this pic from her blog).