My Son's Baby-Shower (he's now one of the girls)

My son works with a lot of women. He is the Civil Engineering Technologist for the Town of Arnprior, Ont. One of the things he told me when he first landed this job was that he was one of three men in the office and the rest were women. Now that John is about to become a daddy the women have had some fun getting him ready. So, they threw him a baby shower at the office.
It was held in the Council Chambers as you can see by the microphones on the desk.

He had a great time and they are now ready as ever to become parents.

Big Daddy! Three more weeks and I will be a gramma, grandma, nanna, grammy...oh I don't know. I like them all. We don't know what the baby will be but we do know it will be a cutie.

I was in the big town of Balderson today to deliver biscuits to the Balderson Cheese Shop. I took lots of photos to show you the town and the great little shops. Just need to go through them....I'll be back.