Jim Murphy

In Italy, the famous P2 masonic lodge was a link between the mafia and the government.

The UK Labour Party would appear to have links to gangsters.

Government minister Jim Murphy of the Labour party has a problem - reportedly a gangster attended his election fundraiser

Lewis Rodden is a convicted gangster.

According to a report in the Sunday Herald, 11 April 2010, Lewis Rodden appeared at a Labour Party election fundraiser for Jim Murphy, who is Gordon Brown's Secretary of State for Scotland.

At the fundraiser, former defence secretary John Reid, of the Labour party, was the keynote speaker.

John Reid's son married the daughter of notorious gangster Ronnie Campbell. (Home Secretary Reid's father-in-law arrested in £280000 drugs bust ...)

Labour councillor and Strathclyde (Glasgow) Police Authority member Betty Cunningham is 'on first-name terms' with Lewis Rodden.

In 2002, drug dealer Justin McAlroy attended one of the Scottish Labour party's Red Rose dinners.

McAlroy, who was shot dead within days of attending the event, was yards away from former First Minister Jack McConnell and John Reid.

Reportedly, Jack McConnell's wife's department, and Jack McConnell's party organisation in Glasgow, gave Eddie Lyons, an alleged 'gangster', £1.4m in public funds over 10 years to run a community centre used by children.

In early 2010, the Labour Party's Steven Purcell, who quit as leader of Glasgow City Council, had his name linked to gangsters, such as the Iceman. (POLITICIANS AND DRUGS; PURCELL AND THE ICEMAN)

Michael Howard, who is close to David Cameron.

Michael Howard is a top UK politician.

He was once the leader of the Conservative Party.

He is Jewish.

The family name Hecht was anglicised to Howard.[1]

1. There are allegations that a criminal was released from prison after paying a bribe to one of Michael Howard's relatives.

"Career criminal John Haase told a Labour MP that he was released from prison early after making the payment via one of Mr Howard's relatives."

Michael Howard, the drugs baron and an extraordinary £400,000 bribery claim (Daily Mail 1 November 2008)


2. The Guardian, 28 March 2006, had an excellent story about heroin.,,1741038,00.html

Michael Howard was home secretary at the time when the Baybasins came to the UK.

According to the Guardian, members of an international crime gang were allowed to come to Britain because their leader had links to Customs & Excise.

The evidence for this came out at an immigration appeals tribunal.

The Baybasin Cartel, a Kurdish gang, controlled up to 90% of the heroin which entered the UK.

Its bosses settled in the UK in the mid-1990s.

Gang members were involved in protection rackets and extortion in the UK, and were linked to up to 25 murders.

The gang's members were allowed to move from Turkey to London, allegedly after their leader, Huseyin Baybasin, agreed to tell Customs investigators what he knew about the involvement of senior Turkish politicians and officials in the international heroin trade.

Reportedly, Baybasin was encouraged by Customs to come to the UK and arrived via Gibraltar in either late 1994 or early 1995.

aangirfan: HASHIM THACI

He first met Customs officers in a hotel near Tower Bridge, London.

Having come to the UK, the Baybasin Cartel ran their vast drug trafficking operation from London.

They and their relatives persuaded a number of politicians to support their attempts to obtain British travel documents.

Among those who agreed to help was Tony McNulty, a former immigration minister, who wrote a number of letters on behalf of Baybasin's wife after her husband was arrested in the Netherlands.

Baybasin, 49, is now serving a life sentence in a Dutch jail.

His brother, Abdullah, 45, who took the helm after his conviction, has now been convicted of conspiracy to supply heroin.

It was at Abdullah Baybasin's asylum hearings that the alleged deal with Customs & Excise was disclosed.

Abdullah was given indefinite leave to remain in the UK last year.

Several other relatives also remain in the UK.

Michael Howard was home secretary at the time when the Baybasins came to the UK. 3. Why did Howard release two dangerous gangsters?,6903,1411777,00.html

Police are investigating Michael Howard's role in a royal pardon for two of Liverpool's most dangerous gangsters, John Haase and Paul Bennett, who were granted a royal pardon in July 1996 on Howard's orders.

The decision came 11 months into 18-year sentences.

The Metropolitan police is about to launch an investigation into the 'circumstances leading up to the granting of a royal pardon for these individuals'.

Was the Home Secretary duped into believing Haase and Bennett had provided vital information about arms caches across Liverpool, arms they had arranged to be planted themselves?

Michael Howard's cousin, Simon Bakerman, is an associate of Haase.

Bakerman was released from prison on the day Howard became leader of the Conservative Party in November 2003.

Bakerman received a three-year sentence in 2002 for running an illegal factory making amphetamine and ketamine pills.

Haase claims that Bakerman received large sums of money from Haase before the pardon was granted, though even his lawyers admit there is no evidence of where this money ended up - if it was paid in the first place.

Where Heroin comes from

The arms caches were a set-up, planted on Haase's instructions from a mobile phone he had smuggled into prison.

Witnesses from within Haase's organisation now claim that bribes totalling £4.5 million were paid by criminals to officials involved with the case.

Haase and his associates have often been held responsible for bringing gun culture to the streets of Liverpool.

One former senior Customs officer said there had been suspicions well before the release of the two men that the arms caches were an elaborate scam.

Haase was rearrested in 1999 and sentenced to 13 years for money-laundering and supplying firearms to fellow gangsters.

He is serving his sentence, but continues to wield a powerful influence from his prison cell, not least through his continuing claims that bribes were paid to help obtain his royal pardon.

THAILAND - soldiers open fire.

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