Change of Plans and some Exciting Give-Away Information

We were supposed to fly to New Hampshire earlier this morning but poor Miss Lillie came down with strep throat yesterday morning and last night even with several doses of Motrin in her had a temp of 104.4. Poor little munchkin! She is such a sweet little baby, though and didn't really even act that sick except to be a bit more snuggly than normal and she didn't have quite as much energy. We moved our flight back to make sure she was okay so needless to say it has been a pretty crazy day so far.

Anyway, I just wanted to write a quick post to let you all in on a few exciting give-aways!

First, starting tomorrow we will be hosting our biggest give-away yet.

And also, this weekend check out Tatertots and Jello which is one of my favorite blogs. They are so sweet and will be hosting a giveaway for one of our tutus.

Here is Jen from Tatertots and Jello and her beautiful family:

And also check out Ruffles and Stuff (Disney is the most creative person ever and so sweet as well) because they will be giving away one of our Adeliene dresses on Tuesday!

Here is wonderful Disney:

So, hopefully it will be a pretty exciting next week or so for Dear Lillie!

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