Bishop Accomplished

Or so I thought.

Looking at the pictures, I discovered two flowers with no leaves. And a few pleating threads. Easy fixes, though.

And the bias band is still not where I want it to be.

But I'm very happy with it. I'm still going to do something different with the sleeves and, of course, hem it one day, but it's finished for now and has been a nice learning experience. I'm going to do another one - soon - probably in the summer since yard work takes my little spare time in the spring.

Roy sent these pictures of his yard in Andalusia. Beautiful.

Pretty much all we have around here are promises.





My most excellent clematis.

These little pots of plants that I don't remember what they are, but I remember they were quite showy last year. Purple, I think.

My sad little back door bed. It gets all the leftovers and no mulch yet , but I know how pretty it will be in about a month. Just let those wave petunias start doing their thing!

I know this will make Elise more homesick, but I'll be looking for pictures of pretty things Texas has in the spring.

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