Bill Tarmey's dream exit for Jack

There's a story in the Daily Star today that says Jack Duckworth's going to win the EuroMillions before he leaves Coronation Street.

Well, that's fine and good, but what about a decent win on the horses? That'd be more Jack's style.

And if you cast your mind back 12 months, Digital Spy had details of an interview that Bill Tarmey, who plays Jack, gaave to The Daily Star Sunday. Bill discussed his doubts even back then over a long-term future on Coronation Street and how he'd like to spend more time in the Tenerife sun. Hey, who wouldn't?

Bill also said back then that his dream exit for Jack Duckworth would be for him to run off to Spain with Bet Lynch. Well, those two have got history, you know.

How would you like Jack to leave Corrie? Remember to vote in our poll on the right hand side banner of the blog.

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