An appeal

The IPKat has learned that Alan Nugent (Forresters) is terminally ill with cancer and that he is currently being cared for at the EllenorLions Hospice in Northfleet. Rather than feel sorry for himself, he's launched an appeal to raise money for the hospice, and has so far raised more than £11,000. A colleague of his has contacted the IPKat and writes as follows:
"I wondered if you would be able to send out a message publicising the appeal, and directing people to the fundraising website? I've also got a link to a piece about Alan on the BBC website, after he was featured on the evening news a few nights ago".
The IPKat endorses this appeal and hopes that his readers will feel generously-minded enough to contribute to it. With World Intellectual Property Day coming up we should remember that, while we may fight one another from time to time, on our own or on a client's behalf, we are all part of the same community. Just as we can share each other's happiness, so too we should empathise with each other's problems and respond to one another's calls for help and support. Please give generously!

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