Wiggle - Day 621

Today has been vet-visit day. First up was Wiggle who went to see Bridget the skin specialist for a check-up. Wiggle hadn't seen her for a fair few months and is still on the Atopica so while we were there, blood samples were taken for testing. We'll get the results in a few days.

Bridget said that Wiggle is in fantastic condition and after a physical examination, pronounced him fit and healthy. She commented on how muscular Wiggle is, not an ounce of fat on him! Interestingly, she did say that he is slightly more muscular on one side of his hips than the other but after a thorough check and manipulation of Wiggle's joints, confirmed no problems there.

Sofy stayed home while Wiggle was at the vets and not knowing how she would be without him, last night I prepared a Kong for her stuffed with soaked kibble and mashed up pilchard. I'd frozen it, to make it last longer and when we left, she was wandering around with it in her mouth! When we got home, the empty Kong was on Sofy's bed and she had been up in the spare room, fast asleep. It's not often I need to take one of the dogs, but it's good to know that Sofy is fine being left for a couple of hours.

This afternoon, it was Sofy's turn to see the vet as I realised that I'd not taken her to get her registered. Sofy is fit and healthy but all new dogs get registered with my vets, just in case of an emergency etc. When we got to the vets, there was another dog waiting but Sofy was very polite and said hello, before introducing herself to Anne, the receptionist, and getting a treat!

When it was her turn, Sofy was very excited to go in the consulting room and had a good sniff round before saying hello to Malcolm the vet. He said she's in excellent condition and a very pretty girl. Malcolm did say that it was unusual for me to have a new dog that's young, fit and healthy!

As we've had another beautiful spring day here, Wiggle and Sir H also came along to the vets, but waited in the car, so we headed on up to the Downs for a walk.

Wiggle and Sofy ran straight from the car, ready for me to throw the ball:

Sir H plodded along at a slower pace!

Running in the sun:

Wiggle gets a head start to get the ball:

But Sofy just goes for a game of tuggy......

Which wins her the ball!

Ever the gentleman, Wiggle let's go, but still keeps his eyes on the ball:

Sir H was happy just to watch, enjoying the fresh spring air:

Sofy tries to get ahead this time:

Wiggle runs around, looking for the ball:

But Sofy had it!

Sir H was ready for his close-up:

While the youngsters were too busy playing:

Sir H, happy old chap, rolling around:

Tongue hanging out, Sofy was starting to get tired.....

While Wiggle was ahead, still full of energy!

Sir H, all gooey-eyed, having an ear rub...

After two lovely days off, it's back to work for me tomorrow. So Wiggle and Sofy can catch up on their sleep!

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