Wiggle didn't hang around and was in the water pretty much as soon as he jumped out of the car!
Sofy stayed dryer for longer, but still wanted to chase the ball:
A swan. Sofy later decided to try and swim out to the swan but found she couldn't really swim and bark at the same time!
Pretty Sofy, no doubt planning her swan chasing!
Having fun in the sunshine:
Sofy gets the ball:
Dogs Allowed!
Sofy, swimming back after going to "say hello" to the swan:
Waiting for the ball:
More swimming:
Back on dry land:
Then back in the water!
Wiggle and Sofy, enjoying their walk:
Wiggle chases Sofy:
Soggy dogs:
Once we'd walked all around the lake, I got a coffee as I thought it would be nice to sit out. Sofy also decided it was nice - sitting ON the table!
Clearly, a better view from higher up!
Wiggle watches the birds:
Fleece jumpers on to dry off: