photo copyright Sybille Yates 2010
Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall
Prague is one of those cities that seems to host important figures from around the world. This week Prince Charles came through Prague on his Central European tour and Charles and Camilla (or C & C as my friend and chaplain Ricky Yates affectionately refers to them in shorthand) chose to attend Sunday service at St. Clement's Anglican Church in Prague. As you can imagine the amount of coordination required is extensive and Ricky should be proud as a British citizen for keeping the Prince's visit a secret when diplomatic sources did not!
I respect Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall for visiting St. Clement's church. If you were looking to get splashed all over the headlines, you probably wouldn't pick going to church as the activity to do it. But to the people involved at the church it makes a difference. Expat churches are incredibly hard to sustain financially as there aren't big endowments and the members are constantly coming and going. By attending services, Prince Charles brought all kinds of great publicity to St. Clement's (including his own web page), doubled the normal attendance and helped the budget of a fantastic community of Christians.
If you want to read more about the Prince's visit, I invite you to enjoy Part I of the royal visit on Ricky Yates blog here:
Part II follows! One of the coolest parts about the Prince's visit is I'm sure they don't let just anybody preach to the Prince. Go Ricky Go!