March 31, 2010

White Dog wants to say, BLOGGERS ROCK! Ben and the boys went back, read every entry and did a paw tally and came up with a total of 268 Ben Rocks, Rescue Dogs Rock or great stories of why humans are keepers. They also included the 3 Rescue Cats Rock comments and the 3 Momma’s Rock count too.

So that is $250 for Homeward Bound WE DID IT!!! We are 1/2 way there….

The next half is for Khyra and her mom. They have done so much for so many that they deserve our extra effort now! Any money raised from now on goes to their charity of choice! We have$18 already for Khyra’s favorite rescue charity. This is going until April 10th so let’s see get her to 250….I know we can.

So what do you say, let’s tell the world DOGS ROCK and CATS ROLL. Get over to Ben's blog and say it caps even..RESCUE DOGS ROCK!

Do it for it for the needy pups out it to support Ben and the Boys' generous gesture...BUT DO IT NOW...AND AGAIN...AND AGAIN! and thanks so much.

photo by xxVickyxx2008