White Dog spent all afternoon preparing Quinn for his first night of school tonight. She explained what would be expected. She demonstrated the basic commands: "sit," "come," "wait." She lectured him about his attitude, "For dog's sake, look attentive, respond when you are spoken to, and above all else DON'T pee in the store!" Quinn solemnly listened and made mental notes. Michael set his watch alarm so as to be ready to go on time and we planned on a quick before class dinner. Quinn's leash was laid out and White Dog insisted we brush him so he looked his best. We were all going but thought we would leave Michael and Quinn in the training area while White Dog, Steve and I shopped and visited the birdies and fish. Everyone was so ready! And then, the phone rang. It was Jesse, the trainer, cancelling tonight's class! "Oh geez," White Dog lamented. "This boy is NEVER going to be trained!" Quinn took it calmly and settled in for a nap. "Maybe next week," I said to all and wondering, as they did, what prompted the delay.
ROCK! ROCK! ROCK! You do it so well Ben! We’re keeping the word going ‘cuz we know you and the boys are going to help even more RESCUE DOGS ROCK! We're at 230 comments but things seem to be slowing down over at Ben's blog! Let's not stop now! Remember, any comments over 250 will be donated in tribute to the wonderful work Khyra and her mom do for transporting rescued animals.
Visit Ben at http://lifeon3legs.wordpress.com/2010/03/18/a-year-ago/ and leave the comment, "Ben You Rock!" Animal Rescue money is earned for every comment! You can revisit the site more than once. Visit every day until April 10th and help this great cause... do it for Ben...do it for Khyra...do it for all the animals that will be helped! BEN, YOU, AND ALL RESCUE DOGS, ROCK!!!