Birmingham Girl Earns Gold Award by Encouraging Healthy Living for Young Children and her Community

The purpose of Rachel’s Gold Award project was to instill the importance of healthy eating and exercise into the lives of young children and increase awareness in the community. She presented a health fair for children and their parents with a dietician who spoke about healthy eating, introduced them to the food pyramid and shared how to prepare a healthy meal. In addition, Rachel recruited fitness and dance instructors to conduct fun activities for the children to illustrate how exercising and staying active helps the mind, body and soul. She also created informational brochures to hand out to the parents with strategies on how to improve their family’s health. While completing her project, Rachel learned that she was a true leader—it just takes a little time, hard work and focus.

She is the daughter of Lemon and Sylvia of Birmingham and is currently a freshman at the University of North Alabama.

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