2010 SNL Flag Short Analysis: Part II

by Jacqueline Handy,

Puns never go old, at any age, so long as you don't over do it.

These flags are pair up and play off of each other because the national flags of Wales, Chile, and Turkey are contrasted with a with a whale holding a bowl of turkey meat chili.

Apparently some SNL cast or staff love these two musicians. The linking point it that they are both cool dudes and have guitars. Jag Flag represents the young artist while Skagg Flag represents the established musical artist.

Here are two stars from the youngest 'Generation Y' to the oldest 'Generation V.' It's a balance of youth with maturity, and all so patriotic stars and stripes in the back ground. Both of these women have a tendency to seem like innocent, out to lunch, fun loving sweetie pies.

These flags are black and white word flags. They only did it twice otherwise it would have broken the harmony. The SNL staff was getting lazy, and only allowed themselves to do it twice.


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