Back in 2005, I had Guinness, my first rescue Labrador and he'd been joined the year before by Poppy, beautiful ex-breeding bitch and Bumpy, blind Black Lab:

After Guinness passed away at the end of 2005, for a while it was just Poppy and Bumpy and the following year I started fostering.
Sadly, Poppy passed away in 2007, a short time after Dolly had arrived and in 2008, I lost Bumpy to cancer.
By the summer, Sir H and Wiggle had arrived arrived, and I was back to 2 Black Boys and a Choccie girl...
And now, the spot in the middle has been taken by another beautiful girl:
I never planned to have 3 and when I first adopted Guinness, back in 1999, would never have imagined that so many different Labrador's would have come and gone, some living out their last years, others on to new homes.
Having grown up with Labradors, I guess I have my parents to thank for my love of the breed and having been lucky to share my life with so many wonderful dogs, I can't imagine I'll ever have any other breed!