The World's Best Hikes

We generally cover a wide variety of topics over at Gadling, a travel blog to which I contribute to on an almost daily basis. Everything from luxury to budget travel, and everything in between. Not surprisingly enough, I generally weigh in on adventure destinations and similar topics to what we discuss around here. But every once in awhile, someone writes a good article that I wished I had done. We have one of those today in the form of a list of the World's Best Hikes.

As the name implies, the article is the compilation of some of the best treks to be found anywhere in the world. There are the usual suspects in the form of The Appalachian Trail, Kilimanjaro, and Everest Base Camp, each of which more than deserves to be on the list. But there are some other great suggestions that are often overlooked, such as the Timberline Trail in Oregon, and the Cinque Terre in Italy as well.

The article was contributed to Gadling by Jason Heflin, who is one of the founders of and writes that site's Outpost Blog. He's also recently done a great job of covering the Huairashinchi adventure race, which just wrapped up in Ecuador, for Adventure World Magazine as well.

The article also included the following video which is a great look at the Everest Base Camp trek that I'm eagerly looking forward to doing in a few months. Can't wait!

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