My Pal Riley

If you're thinking I've got a new pup, sadly no. This is my buddy Riley. His humans are Jan and Mike Dulin. Riley goes to the recording studio with Mike most days, so when I show up for work ( I use that term loosely) I'm greeted with much barking and tail thumping and the occasional slobber! I wish I thought he just loved me to pieces, but I suspect it's the dog treats I bring him. (Don't tell Mike, Riley's suppose to be on some silly diet.) Well today Jan Dulin is my guest photographer. She took this during our last snow. I think it's just great, thanks Jan! If you want to see more snow photos of Riley and fam, check out Mike's blog.

Jan's not the only one to give me the day off. On of my photography students, Marty Lange, has graciously shared this wonderful photograph. The old office building at the Watkins Brick Company in Ensley.

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