Just a quick reminder today that there is still time to sign up to win a jacket courtesy of First Ascent and Summit on the Summit. The contest, which I launched last week, will be running through Wednesday, at which time I'll pick a winner of the the very nice Peak XV down jacket that we're giving away.
The rules are simple. First, you must be a resident of the U.S. to be eligible to win. If you meet that criteria, all you have to do is head over to the Summit on the Summit blog at Tumblr, and find the answer to one simple question:
What is the minimum standard amount of water that the United Nation’s High Commission for Refugees needs per person per day in liters?
Once you've found the answer, e-mail it to me at KungFuJedi@gmail.com with "Summit on the Summit" as your subject line, and type your answer in the body. I'll collect all the entrants with the correct answer, and pick the winner from a hat. All entries must be received by Midnight EST, February 3rd to be eligible. The winner will get the awesome jacket that is kindly provided by the good folks over at First Ascent, who were instrumental in outfitting the Summit on the Summit expedition. The jacket has a value of $269 and is designed to keep us warm in the most inclement weather. This really is a great prize for whoever wins! Good luck!!