This is a marvelous resource page with lots of links to clip art, plagiarism information, preschool primary information, RSS tutorials, blogs, wikis, just lots of lovely material here. Excellent resource page from M. Winieka, Media Instructor.
20 New Resources « Seomra Ranga
Lots of great primary school resources from the Seomra Ranga blog. Thank you!
Registration for World Math Day (March 3, 2010) opened today for students ages 5-18 at The competition is a free, online math competition where students compete against one another in a quest to answer the most math questions in 24 hours.
Last year, a new world record was set after a staggering 1,952,879 million students from 38,058 schools in 204 countries answered 452,681,681 math questions correctly during the World Math Day competition. Students are looking to break the record again this year.
This is a REALLY cool event.Take Action - The Extraordinaries (gogrid)
Using GPS and technologically empowered volunteerism to locate and participate in activities, needs, and volunteerism in your area.
This is a service project by Mozilla empowering people to help others with technology needs in an international wave of volunteerism. Expect more from this great activity.
Fascinating method for helping the crisis around the world including coordinating for Haiti recovery.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.