Wiggle - Day 584

What a busy day! The sun was shining so Sir H enjoyed a little walk up to the green and spent some quality time rolling in the grass and getting lots of tummy rubs.

Wiggle and Sofy went up to the Downs for a run. Wiggle was chasing around after his ball, enjoying the nice weather:

Sofy was being a very good girl, saying hello nicely to the dogs she met and coming back to me every time I called her. Sofy loves playing ball too and waits with Wiggle:

Fun in the sun:

Pretty Sofy:

Handsome Wiggle:

Sofy following Wiggle, although maybe she just wanted to try and get the ball!

Still playing follow the leader:

Sofy, having fun exploring - offlead!

Poised and ready for the ball!

Both going for the ball:

Wiggle fetches the ball:

Sofy's turn:

Back to Wiggle again!

Starting to get tired, Sofy sits and watches Wiggle:

Two dots in the distance!

A little video clip from today's walk: