- One year into his house arrest, Laurent Nkunda's lawyer says he is "not afraid to be tried in Kinshasa."
- The World Bank has committed more than $400,000 to rehabilitate Bukavu's old central post office so that the facility can be used by the provincial government. The rehabilitation is good news as that huge building occupies a prime spot of real estate in the central city. Current occupants of the facility - including the local offices of the Independent Electoral Commission and the University of Bukavu - are not pleased with the repurposing plans.
- Human Rights Watch released its account of the ICTR. Apparently they covered everything. And that means everything.
- Opposition presidential candidate Victoire Ingabire was allowed to return to Rwanda earlier this month. Her thoughts regarding the need for investigations into and acknowledgments of the Hutus killed in the aftermath of the genocide is not going over so well.
- Rwanda doesn't have any mines, but a South African company says there is potential. Or so says the New Times, which, as we've discussed, is kindof the FoxNews of Rwanda. (HT to Grant, who is blogging again!).
- What does Obama's presidency mean to black America?
- If you teach statistics, you need this song.
- "Don't Go to Haiti."
- Another reason not to go to Haiti "to help:" You'd be taking someone's job.
- Glenn Beck is apparently an equal-opportunity nutjob.
- The first nutso tea party didn't happen where you think it happened.
- And, here we are.
- Want to intern for 538.com with a focus on international affairs?
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