Snow business

Its been a strange week.
But never mind..too boring to explain.

I decided to take advantage of the last vestige of snow before it went, to take some photos of my work.
Valentines day looms so I have made some hearts in felt as requested for Fibre+Clay

I thought the snow would be a nice backdrop but the brightness means the flash won't 'do' so the pics are bright but fuzzy. I had to fiddle about like mad with brightness and contrast.
But how do you see it?
My husband has bought a laptop.
Not any old c***top like mine but a superb soooooper dooper Macbook pro.
I am so peeved.
But hey guess what?
The ever so wonderful ambient light detector thingy makes the photos look vey dull indeed. Maybe thats how you are looking at them ?
When I brought them inside they looked better. Still in 'snowlight' through the window.


This is my favourite colour combination

This is a leaf brooch with gold metallic thread for a change.

But the snow was good wasn't it?

Even though we are all a bit sick of it?

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