
so you can probably tell I'm no good at sticking to things. The only thing I've really managed to stick at is drawing and my relationship, both of which I have a soulful of passion for, and even then my passion for drawing sometimes wanes.

But I have seen a fair few awesome blogs again recently and it's given me another jolt to start writing this again. Plus the fact that I have to fulfil the cliché of having a new year's resolution - hey it's a bit late coming but I did it.

New year, new projects, new horizons. Currently embarking on an informational illustration project revolving around cakes (shockingly) and it's getting me involved with photography more. I recently purchased a Nikon D40 and I am rather in love with it, I'm still learning the subtlety of controlling the settings but I think I'm getting there.

also, I've been reading a lot of film magazines recently and I have become very excited about a number of films that will be hitting screens in 2010, namely -

  • Up In The Air
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows I
  • Eclipse
  • Food, Inc.
  • Alice in Wonderland
  • The Prince of Persia
  • Precious

and there are loads of others. If I get to see all of them I'll let you know how good they are. But for now, here I am back on blogger, and hopefully won't lapse for three months again. enjoy

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