Wiggle - Day 546

Wiggle has had a very exciting evening so far. When he went out for his wee after I got home from work, he discovered that there had been a light covering of snow this afternoon.

Clearly feeling very happy and Christmassy, he wagged his tail by the Christmas tree and knocked off a bauble - and then stole it!

Wiggle tried to lay and look all nonchalant, pretending that he didn't have the decoration in his mouth:

But the temptation of a treat was too great, so the bauble was dropped.....

Even more exciting though was the discovery of a Christmas card addressed to Wiggle - all the way from his beautiful choccie girlfriend in America, Lucy the Lab!

Wiggle checked out the envelope:

And discovered some very lovely photo's inside!

Wiggle sends a special Labbie Lick kiss to Lucy to say thank you:

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