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» Should The U.S. Destroy Jihadist Websites?
Should The U.S. Destroy Jihadist Websites?
From Time Magazine:
The Internet has played a key role in radicalizing a number of key players in alleged terror plots this year. From Fort Hood accused shooter Nidal Hasan to the five young Americans detained in Pakistan this month allegedly en route to fight U.S. forces in Afghanistan, authorities claim the suspects needed no face-to-face contact with jihadist recruiters. Instead, the Internet is serving as an electronic funnel for extremists to infuse U.S.-based Muslims with a justification for jihad.
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My Comment: My short answer is yes. The U.S. should destroy/close down Jihadist Websites. My rational is equally simple .... using the same argument that others use in shutting down websites that promote childhood pornography .... one can say exactly the same thing with sites that promote Islamic terrorism/Jihad.