No Confirmation On Reports Strike Killed Cleric Linked To Fort Hood Suspect

Image: On Wednesday Al Jazeera published an interview with Anwar al-Awlaki, a Yemeni-American cleric who corresponded with Maj. Nidal Hassan before the shooting rampage at Fort Hood.

Yemen Air Strike On Al Qaeda: Was Cleric Linked To Fort Hood Shooting Killed? -- Christian Science Monitor

Yemen said it killed more than two dozen suspected Al Qaeda militants reportedly meeting at the residence of Anwar al Aulaqi, a Yemeni-American who was in contact with the suspected Fort Hood shooter.

Yemen security forces today announced that air strikes targeting Al Qaeda operatives killed more than two dozen suspected militants and demolished the house where a Yemeni-American cleric linked to the Ft. Hood shooter was believed to be living.

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Is The Cleric Linked To The Fort Hood Shooting Dead?

A day after Yemen assault, no word on fate of cleric tied to Fort Hood suspect -- Washington Post
Friend of Fort Hood gunman 'killed in attack on Yemen hideout' -- Times Online
Radical cleric is said to be alive after Yemen airstrikes -- L.A. Times/AP
Radical cleric not killed in Yemeni strike, some say -- Philadelphia Inquirer

My Comment: If he survived, he must now know that he is a target. If this is the case, we will be hearing from him again .... but after a certain length of time has passed.

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