I'd Like To Give A Shout Out To...

Holiday Break Reading Challenge #10

Time to give a shout out to blogs that I like to read.

This challenge was a hard one. The task was to pick three or four blogs to mention. I have 133 blogs that I follow in my Bloglines account and 20 that I follow through my Blogger dashboard. There is some overlap between the two lists -- but it is still a lot of reading and lots of really informative blogs.

Here are blogs that I follow because I love their content. Because I follow them in my RSS readers, I am not very concerned with the fancy stuff that fills up the sidebars. Good design is kind of lost on me but content is very apparent. They usually make me add something to my TBR pile because of their reviews.

I especially like the In My Mailbox weekly post done on Sundays by The Story Siren. It has led me to bunches of new blogs about books as I visit the blogs that others add to Mr. Linky each week.

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