Dylan, who was found hanged at a UK children's home

In October 2009, in the UK, 11-year-old Dylan McDonald was found dead at a children's home.

He was discovered suspended from a large Victorian window.

In December 2009, Cumbria police concluded their investigation into Dylan’s death and confirmed there were no suspicious circumstances. (Liverpool Echo.co.uk - News - Liverpool Local News - Council ...)

Has there been a cover-up?

It was on 20 October 2009 that we learnt that 11 year old Dylan McDonald had been found hanged at a children's home, the Appletree Centre, in Cumbria in the UK.

The school caters for up to 14 children aged six to 12.

Dylan's family were due to apply to regain custody of their son in November 2009.

Dylan's body was spotted by kids playing outside, hanging outside his bedroom window.

Teachers found him still alive, suspended from a large Victorian window.

Dylan was driven to a hospital in Lancaster where died.

His family said he had showed no warning signs of a desire to commit suicide.

Uncle Shaun McDonald told how Dylan had been excitedly looking forward to trips back home to see his dad Peter and mum Sharon at Hallowe'en and Christmas.

Mr McDonald, from Warrington, said: "When Peter went to see him on Sunday, he was laughing and joking.

"They took him out for meals and Dylan was really looking forward to coming back home later this month.

"We've been told he may have had an argument with a teacher, or another pupil on Monday, and he was a bit down on Tuesday.

"But, essentially, why he did this is a mystery."

Knowsley Council, whose care Dylan was in, stated that an enquiry was underway.

Dylan had spent the last three years at the care home.

His uncle said that he had a good relationship with his parents and would see them every fortnight on visits.

On average, every week in England and Wales one to two children are killed at the hands of another person (NSPCC - Media Centre - Media Briefings - Child Deaths)


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